Thursday, May 20, 2010

step # 2

In book “working”, by Terkel. I chose in book eight “cradle to the grave”, Rose Hoffman and book nine “fathers and son”, Jack Currier. Because I was a teacher in my country, and I look forward to knowing more information about this job in American.
Rose Hoffman has been a teacher since 1937, and she was a bilingual teacher. She told us some interesting things and a lot of educational situations from her experience. She taught third grade at school; she didn’t take any work home with her; and when she was home, she forget about school, absolutely. This is unbelievable, in my country, teacher is not a easy job, they have to check students’ homework at night, and prepare class of next day. Sometimes they visit parents of their students after school or add a class for some students with question. Teacher is a honorable job in China.

Jack Currier is a teacher of English at a branch of the City College; at night he conducts adult education classes at an urban university. Before he became a teacher, he was a salesman. He can make a lot of money, but he didn’t happy. When he got into teaching, that was satisfy for him. He has all the power of the institution in the classroom. Although he was scared of his students when he began, he was proud of his students when they were successful. I understand his feeling. As a teacher, you get very proud of your students’ achievements.


  1. Li, this is very interesting: I also find it surprising that Rose would have that much separation from her job: that is very unusual for a teacher, I think! Can you tell from the interview why she does this.

    I'm interested in the sentence "he has all the power of the insitution in the classroom" in your second paragraph: can you tell me more about what you mean by this?

  2. Hi, professor:
    I think the sentence mean is inside the classroom, every students are equal; whatever your families, and your backgrounc. Teacher has the power to ensure everyone has equal opportunity to learn and succeed within the classroom. Teacher can help students develop critical thinking skills to nevigate through outside world that could be deceptive.
